
招生 Wait Pool

每年,我们收到的某些年级的申请都超过了我们现有的名额. 随之而来的是许多澳门威尼斯人网上赌场的等待池的问题,希望这些信息能为您提供一些清晰的信息.

当申请人完成了特定年级的申请流程,并且招生委员会认为他们是值得录取的强有力的候选人时, but we don’t have a seat available, we offer them the option to join our wait pool. If a spot opens up before September 1 of the next school year, we will offer admission to a candidate from the wait pool, who will then have 5 days to accept.

We will keep wait pool families informed if space becomes available. It’s important to note that if we’re unable to offer admission from the wait pool, students are always welcome to reapply in the following season, 对于那些留在等待池中并选择申请下一年的人,我们将免除申请费.

Frequently Asked Questions

*Last updated Jan. 2024

Why is there a wait pool?

澳门威尼斯人网上赌场的录取过程旨在确定哪些申请人将在我们的项目中最澳门威尼斯人网上赌场-这个数字通常远远高于给定班级的可用空间数量. 我们把有限数量的学生,我们不能提供录取,但我们相信谁会茁壮成长在澳门威尼斯人网上赌场在我们的等待池. In the event that a space becomes available with respect to a specific grade, 我们将评估剩余的等待池学生,并根据以下因素发出录取通知.

Who is in the wait pool? How many students are in it? 有多少男孩?? 女孩?

We don’t share specific numbers regarding our wait pool, but know that it may not include every qualified candidate who has applied. 我们希望在最初的录取通知发出后,以及这些家庭做出是否接受的决定后,可以提供的名额数量是现实的. 除了, a space may become available in a specific grade over the summer, usually due to an unexpected family move, 届时,我们将向那些选择留在等候池中的学生提供录取通知.

Is the wait pool ranked?

There is no specific ranking, 但我们会考虑申请人是否有兄弟姐妹已经在FA注册或也在申请. Wait pools are made up of students who we believe can be successful at Foundation Academy. Each student brings a unique profile. Whenever an opening occurs, 我们会考虑整个等待池以及哪个学生将是班级的最佳补充. We consider both demographic data (i.e. gender, age with respect to the birthday spread of a classroom, etc.) as well as more subjective data (learning style, social fit with a particular class dynamic, etc.).

How will you contact me if a spot becomes available?

We’ll reach out to parents via email and phone. We’ll ask you to indicate whether you are interested in considering an available (or potentially available) spot, but you will have 5 business days to contemplate your decision.

I need to make a plan for my child’s enrollment. When will you make a final decision?

This is the hardest part of being in the wait pool. Seats can become available as early as February and as late as mid August. 我们通常在开学第一天之后不录取学生,但可能会考虑到9月1日. 我们建议您为您的孩子考虑其他入学计划,并随时通知我们. 你对另一所学校的承诺不会影响我们为你提供一个可用名额的决定. 然而, 我们将鼓励并期望你履行你与其他学校签订的任何合同义务.

What dates should I be aware of?

While enrollment activity can happen at any time, June 1 is the date of our contractual obligation; a student can withdraw before that date without a withdrawal fee being assessed.

澳门威尼斯人网上赌场的保留率高得令人难以置信——远远高于全国和地区的平均水平. Still, for a school of over 1100 students covering 16 grade levels (from PK3 to 12th grade), 一个家庭意外地搬离城镇或接受计划外的业务转移并不罕见,也不属于我们的招生日程. When this happens prior to the beginning of school in August, 我们将向那些选择留在等待池中的学生提供录取通知.


That will be up to each family to determine what they are comfortable with. Should you seek out a 2nd choice in a school, 我们建议您仔细阅读入学合同,并考虑您的财务义务. 大多数学校不会退还押金,但有一个日期,你可以在没有进一步罚款的情况下提取. 如果你在某一日期后退学,一些学校还会要求你支付全年的学费.

What can we do to increase our chances of being offered admission?

We suggest the following steps:

请将收到的任何新的成绩单或考试成绩转发给相应的招生办公室. When we go to review wait pool candidates, it’s helpful if we have the most current information available. Spring report cards, progress reports, etc. can always be added to an applicant file.

Let us know if you are still interested. Let us know if you’ve made other plans. Let us know if you’ve made other plans but are still interested. We like to stay in touch!

What about financial aid?

在大多数情况下, 在我们准备好录取之前,我们不会完成对家庭经济援助申请的全面审查. 这意味着在候补名单中申请经济援助的学生还没有经过经济援助委员会的全面审查. 如果有空位,我们打算把它提供给等待池中申请经济援助的学生吗, 我们将审查经济援助材料,并在录取通知书中提供奖励信息. For this reason, 我们强烈建议您查看FACTS家庭报告,看看他们对您的支付能力的分析是否与您的一致.

How do I confirm interest in staying in the wait pool?


Is being put in the wait pool a reflection of my child’s ability to succeed at FA?

Only in the most positive way. 在等待池中的位置表明我们有信心学生可以在澳门威尼斯人网上赌场取得澳门威尼斯人网上赌场. 这反映了我们对小班教学的承诺,也反映了我们对招收最适合学生的真正兴趣, including your child.


如果我们今年无法提供名额,我们欢迎所有被安排在我们等候池中的学生重新申请澳门威尼斯人网上赌场. 事实上,对于那些选择留在等待池的人,我们将免除申请费. It does not necessarily mean that there is a higher priority, 但是你可以在下一个招生季节尽早申请.

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